The Sheriff

Sheriff Eddie Langlinais began his law enforcement career in 1981 as a patrol deputy at the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office and was promoted to patrol sergeant soon after. Three short years later, he was given the opportunity by the newly elected Vermilion Parish Sheriff Ray LeMaire to work as a patrol lieutenant at the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office, where he remained until he was presented with the opportunity to serve as a Deputy United States Marshal.
In October of 1991, after a 3-year hiring process, Sheriff Langlinais was one of only two people from Louisiana offered a position with the United States Marshals. He accepted this rare opportunity to serve at the highest level of law enforcement in our great nation, the federal level, and spent the next 24-plus years with the United States Marshals.
Although he knew leaving Vermilion Parish would be hard on himself and his family, Sheriff Langlinais focused on the bigger picture. After accepting the position as a Deputy United States Marshal, he recognized that the experience gained from a higher level of law enforcement would allow him to one day return home, where he would utilize this valuable knowledge, education, and work experience to achieve his lifelong dream of becoming Sheriff of Vermilion Parish.
Sheriff Langlinais rose through the ranks of supervisory and leadership roles within the United States Marshals. He served as a Warrant Coordinator, commander of Operation FALCON, and became one of the first Sex Offender Investigative Coordinators (SOIC) within the United States Marshals. Then, in 2006 Sheriff Langlinais was promoted to the rank of Supervisory Deputy United States Marshal (SDUSM) where he was one of only two in the Western District of Louisiana.
As a Deputy and Supervisory Deputy United States Marshal, Sheriff Langlinais worked on a fugitive task force that successfully targeted and arrested violent criminals including members of the most notorious gang in New Orleans history. He led and supervised operations that culminated in the apprehension of dangerous criminals nationwide as well as in Vermilion Parish.
In 2020, Sheriff Langlinais returned to the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office, accepting a position under Sheriff Mike Couvillon to spearhead a new task force created to target violent felony crimes in Vermilion Parish. By utilizing his extensive background in assembling resources and efforts from the local, state, and federal levels of law enforcement, he effectively initiated the new task force which went on to make significant impacts on criminal cases. In 2021, Sheriff Langlinais led the effort to bring Crime Stoppers to Vermilion Parish, which proved to be an extremely useful tool for soliciting valuable information to gain leads and solve crimes.
For the last 40 years, Sheriff Langlinais has prepared himself for the very important job of Sheriff. Although his career in law enforcement encompasses many different positions at multiple levels of law enforcement, his roots started at the local level as a deputy sheriff. From the very beginning, he knew that he would one day run for Sheriff of Vermilion Parish. His law enforcement service at the federal level enabled him to acquire a diverse and extensive portfolio of education, knowledge, skillsets, and significant contacts, all of which are valuable assets in his plans to transition the Vermillion Parish Sheriff’s Office into the future. His chosen path to the job of Sheriff was a long and difficult one with many sacrifices, but it was one that was necessary to serve the people of Vermilion Parish to the best of his ability.