Autism Awareness Initiative
The Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office and first responder agencies within Vermilion Parish understand the unique challenges that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can present to families. Recognizing the importance of bringing awareness and support to citizens with this disorder, VPSO has partnered with other first responder agencies to enhance understanding and resources on this critical topic.
To support families within the Vermilion community who face unexpected challenges due to ASD, leading to the need for adapting their lives to ensure loved one(s) can thrive within the community, Sheriff Eddie Langlinais has expanded the existing “Autism Alerts” to include Autism Awareness Stickers that can be placed on vehicles and homes. These stickers will alert first responders to the potential that an individual on the autism spectrum may be present.
Autism Awareness Stickers
Sheriff Eddie Langlinais is proud to announce the addition of the Autism Awareness stickers to the Vermilion Parish community. These stickers will indicate the presence of an autistic individual to first responders when responding to a traffic incident or a residential situation.
“Passenger” stickers should be placed on the bottom of the rear glass on the driver’s side of vehicles, and
“resident” stickers should be placed near entry door(s) on homes. Sheriff Eddie Langlinais and the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office have educated deputies and first responders to look in these specific locations for stickers, so there is one consistent sticker location to enhance the efficiency of assisting those with special needs.
Stickers for homes and vehicles can be picked up at the Sheriff’s Annex at 101 S. State Street, Abbeville, the VPSO Criminal Investigations Division at 407 Charity Street, Abbeville (2nd floor), or at any police department within Vermilion Parish.
Autism Alerts
The Autism Alerts database has been created to identify homes in Vermilion Parish where individuals with autism reside. This database will provide crucial information to first responders, enabling them to handle calls with greater awareness and sensitivity. This initiative aims to make families feel more secure and supported during emergencies.
Sheriff Eddie Langlinais and the VPSO Team believe that sharing this vital information between first responder agencies and families with autistic members will foster a safer and more understanding environment for everyone involved.
By completing the “Autism Alerts” Form, you are agreeing to the following:
- I am requesting that the Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office enter the following information into their computer system to alert public safety responders of an autistic family member living at the residence listed. I understand that someone from the Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office will contact me to verify that this information is accurate before the information is added. Submitted information will be shared with other government agencies including, but not limited to, the Vermilion Parish Communications District 911 (Vermilion 911). I will notify the Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office in writing if this information is no longer accurate. Finally, I understand that this information will be retained unless or until I retract or modify it.
For questions related to the Autism Awareness Initiative, please contact Public Information Officer Ashley Adams at