Sheriff's Message

To the Resilient Community of Vermilion Parish,

As your newly elected Sheriff, I step into this role with a profound sense of duty and commitment. Our parish’s legacy is etched in the hearts of its people—the laughter shared at family gatherings, the bonds formed during festivals, and the unwavering spirit that defines Vermilion Parish.

During my campaign, I listened to your hopes, fears, and aspirations. Now, as I sit in the “big chair,” I see the agency from a different vantage point. The view has shifted, revealing complexities and nuances that demand thoughtful leadership.

Here are my promises to you:

  • Unity and Collaboration: We are not just citizens; we are a family. Together, we will foster an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. Let us cross the aisle, build bridges, and stand united against adversity.
  • Safety and Security: Our streets should be safe havens for all. I pledge to uphold public safety by working closely with our deputies, municipality police departments, community leaders, and you—the heartbeat of Vermilion Parish. We’ll address safety concerns while preserving our parish’s unique character.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Trust is earned through transparency. I invite you to my office, where open dialogue and honest conversations will shape our decisions. Let’s empower each other with knowledge and build a stronger Vermilion Parish.
  • Community Engagement: From adult programs to youth initiatives, we’ll engage with purpose. Together, we’ll create safer environments, vibrant events, and spaces where dreams flourish.
  • Listening and Learning: I promise to listen—to your stories, your experiences, and your wisdom. Our shared journey begins with understanding, empathy, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Remember, the badge on my chest represents not just authority but also responsibility. As your Sheriff, I am here to serve, protect, and uplift. Let us weave a new chapter—one of resilience, compassion, and progress.

With unwavering dedication,

Sheriff Eddie Langlinais

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